But isn’t the whole point of keto that you have a high fat, low carb diet? And many say they find it worrisome because it encourages foods high in saturated fat, which have been linked to heart disease, while restricting nutrient-rich foods supported by decades of research, like beans, fruits, starchy vegetables and whole grains. A comprehensive guide for families and individuals interested in thriving on unprocessed foods and from scratch, ketogenic cooking. For some, the increase in fat intake on a ketogenic diet may overwhelm the body’s ability to break it down. They pointed to studies suggesting that it had little advantage over lower fat diets for blood sugar control, and that it could cause adverse effects like constipation, fatigue and, in some people, an increase in LDL cholesterol particles, a risk factor for heart disease. It found that a variety of diets rich in unprocessed foods, like the Mediterranean and vegetarian diets, could help people prevent and manage the disease. The Ketogenic Edge Cookbook specializes in simple protein based entrees, fatty sauces, vegetable rich sides, and sugar-free desserts for every day nourishment. A typical ketogenic diet restricts carbs to less than 10 percent of calories and limits protein to 20 percent, while fat makes up the rest.