How does a nuclear power plant work? Probably because the devices don't work. Our tests not only proved this but that these devices actually use a small amount energy, which ironically drives the customer bill up. The theory is that customers use Watts and the utiltiy supplies VA, so for the same load (watts), the lower the PF the more the utility must supply in VA. Okay, in theory these devices could use the same amount of power but for a shorter period of time, because they make your fridge and AC more efficient so the compressor can turn off sooner. Okay, so one of these companies has a video showing it connected to an electric meter -- sitting on a table! Here's another thing: If these devices really worked, then companies would be falling all over themselves to get me to test them or to demo them for me so they could get the free advertising from me. But how about a free music downloader? To help consumers, NRDC has long worked to create and champion state and federal energy efficiency standards for buildings and appliances, collaborate with cities to cut energy waste in larger buildings, encourage utilities to promote efficiency, and push for efficiency improvements in building codes.
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