Easy, tasty, convenient (for later) and Keto. How long should you stay on the keto diet? And because it's not very sustainable and can put you at risk of nutrient deficiencies, we don't recommend following the keto diet just for weight loss (instead, if you're looking to shed pounds, try this low-carb meal plan to lose weight fast). It looks a little silly when you try to serve it and encounter a five-foot-long zoodle. There is very little of this simple sugar in a
Pro Health Keto Reviews diet, and there have been interesting results with mice that suggest the diet might slow tumor growth. Be prepared by making these simple keto snack recipes ahead of time, so you have them on hand to grab quickly when the urge strikes. Save time, money, and stress: While following a diet plan, you don’t have to spend time figuring out what to eat for each meal.