Apple cider vinegar is one folk remedy for skin tags that some people swear by. Instead, I decided to try this DIY remedy. However, there is no research to support any home remedy for mole removal. It’s not safe to use liquid nitrogen on your skin at home. Speak to your doctor before trying any home remedies. And as it turns out, the ingredients present in Skincell Pro is all-natural and safe as mentioned on the skin cell pro website. Squamous cell carcinoma overview. " an FDA attorney said in the statement. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning to three companies for selling unapproved skin tag and mole removal products. This includes where online retailers like Amazon are involved in the interstate sale of unapproved drug products." The products in question haven’t been evaluated by the FDA for safety or effectiveness. Add other extracts for even sweeter-smelling results, lavender and mint are great options.